Explore the Bay / Explora la Bahía 2024 Tour Season

Destacado del personal: Jasmin Segura, coordinadora del tour por la bahía con Humboldt Waterkeeper
Jasmin Segura does a lot more than coordinate our Bay Tours: she works with diverse communities to create a new era of stewardship where people feel compelled to be informed and protect Humboldt Bay. Thanks to EcoNews for interviewing Jasmin on her thoughtful, caring approach to people and the planet!A credo of Waterkeepers is "clean water for all," but the reality is it's hard to meet "all" sometimes. Our Tours Coordinator Jasmin Segura has a knack for developing relationships with community groups, and has expanded our tours exponentially over the past five years. Thanks to Bart Mihailovich of Waterkeeper Alliance for highlighting the amazing work Jasmin does to make our tours program more inclusive: