Humboldt Waterkeeper’s Bay Tours program offers free motor boat and kayak tours for community groups, as well as docent-led walking and bird-watching tours. For info, contact our Bay Tours Coordinator, Jasmin Segura, at (707) 616-7261.La programa de Humboldt Waterkeeper’s Exploraciones de la Bahía ofrece gratis, visita de guiada, así como tours de la bahía por barco de motor, kayac, o conoa. Para inscribirse en esta visita guiada gratuita, llame a Jasmin Segura, (707) 616-7261. Comunicarse conmigo directamente por correo electrónico: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Humboldt Waterkeeper offers kayak and motor boat tours of Humboldt Bay and Elk River to a variety of community groups from May to October, connecting people to Humboldt Bay who would otherwise not be able to experience being out on the water. Many residents simply cannot afford the equipment and maintenance costs associated with boating. In 2019, we led eight community group tours with a wide variety of partners, including English Express, a non-profit English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) school; Camp Cooper, the City of Eureka’s summer day camp for youth; The Studio & Canvas + Clay, an art program for adults with varying abilities; Gaining Ground and Butler Valley, residential and day programs for adults with developmental disabilities; the Humboldt County Library Summer Reading Program; the Community Access Program for Eureka; and Serenity Inn, a transitional housing facility in Eureka.
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