BRIEF OVERVIEW: In 2022, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) awarded two lease areas 20-30 miles west of Humboldt Bay to offshore wind developers. BOEM’s environmental review process for offshore wind development is separated into two analyses. First is environmental impact assessment of the impacts of the studies that need to be done, such as the use of buoys, radar, and sonar. Next, after studies of the lease areas are complete, Environmental Impact Statements will analyze impacts from construction and operation of the wind turbines. These processes will be done separately for the two lease areas.Also in 2022, the California Coastal Commission reviewed plans for studying marine life in the proposed Humboldt Wind Energy Area, 21 miles west of Humboldt Bay. We submitted these comments and these comments. The plans for studies were approved with seven conditions, including a vessel speed limit of 10 knots (11.5 mph) to decrease the likelihood of collisions with whales and other marine mammals.In 2023, the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District issued a Notice of Preparation for the proposed Heavy Lift Terminal in Samoa. We submitted these comments on the potential impacts that must be addressed in the Draft EIR, which is being developed. For more info, check out the website we developed with colleagues at EPIC and CORE Hub: FAQs on Offshore Wind Energy.LATEST NEWS on Offshore Wind Energy:
At this week’s meeting of the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District’s Board of Commissioners, the board met with staff and consultants to hear updates on the Humboldt Bay Offshore Wind Heavy Lift Marine Terminal Project — a redevelopment project that will re-envision a significant portion of the Samoa Peninsula as a 180-acre multi-use port to support California’s offshore wind development.Among those items featured on the agenda were an update on the project’s emissions goals, a technical presentation on dredging and material removal associated with the project and an overhaul of the adjacent trail infrastructure and Woodley Island’s fishing and boating facilities to be improved with funding from the project.
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US President Donald Trump says that wind farms harm birds and whales. Scientists weigh wind power's impacts on wildlife against those of oil and gas.Aspen Ellis, a seabird biologist at University of California, Santa Cruz, spent a decade doing field work on remote islands off the coast of the United States. She often lived for months amongst thousands of birds, becoming so immersed in their ways that she even learned to tell which predators were nearby from the birds' calls. But as she added her observations to 40 or 50 years of previous research on these colonies, she noticed a worrying pattern.
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NEW BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS — A fishing boat named Saints and Angels sat docked at Leonard’s Wharf after a recent fishing trip. Ice covered some of the deck as a man cut into the boat’s steel side to create a door for scientific buoy deployment. Nearby vessels were being worked on, some with anti-offshore-wind flags whipping in the wind. Just the American flag flew on the Saints as Tony Alvernaz climbed up to the wheelhouse.
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The Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District, the Port of Long Beach and the State Lands Commission announced an offshore wind agreement.The nine-page agreement puts into ink a commitment to generally work together to develop offshore wind power and the associated port facilities in California. The agreement touts the need for responsible development and the positive attributes of renewable energy and reinvestments at the ports.“This is about giving people a voice, the ability for people to want to invest because they can see that it’s a project that the people believe in and that the people want. There’s no better signal to investors than that,” he said.The deal includes commitments like aligning development and permitting of the ports, community engagement and workforce development. At previous harbor district meetings, the port in Long Beach was sometimes seen closer to a competitor — a purportedly better-funded and more developed port that could compete with Humboldt Bay as a hub for offshore wind turbines.Read More
On Thursday, Humboldt County Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District Development Director Rob Holmlund told the directors that right now, he’s pursuing several grants to fully fund the project and meeting with local stakeholders, such as Samoa residents and the area’s tribes.The offshore wind terminal project — which received $427 million from the federal government in January— could have massive reverberations in the local economy, but at the moment, it’s still seeking a litany of grants and stakeholder input. The grants — including a California Energy Commission Waterfront Facility Improvement Program Grant — the board is pursuing could help provide additional assessments of the potential impacts to the harbor, something several public commenters supported.Humboldt Waterkeeper Director Jen Kalt told the board about the Golden mussel, an invasive species native to China and Southeast Asia that was discovered last week for the first time in the Port of Stockton. If the bivalves catch a ride in the ballast water on ships that make it into Humboldt Bay, it could devastate the local oyster seed industry“The whole West Coast is reliant on the oyster seed coming from Humboldt Bay and … all it would take is one vessel with an oyster disease to destroy this industry that’s been thrilled for all these years,” Kalt said.
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