The Water Resources Element of the Humboldt County General Plan Update (“GPU”) addresses water planning issues, including river and stream water quality, stormwater runoff, groundwater management, water needs of fish and wildlife, water consumption, conservation and re-use methods, and state and federal regulations. The primary purpose of this element is to ensure that the County’s water resources are sustained and protected.
Humboldt Baykeeper recommends a General Plan Update that includes:
- Riparian and Wetland Buffer Zones that will protect fish, water quality, and wildlife corridors.
- Water Quality Protections that will reduce sediment and pollution in stormwater run-off.
- Floodplain Protection that will protect lives and property from storm damage.
- Focusing Future Development in areas already served by sewer, water, roads, and police/fire services.
- Better Land Use Planning to reduce further impacts to Threatened and Impaired waterbodies.
- Improvements to Public Health through policies that keep local streams fishable, swimmable and drinkable.
- Strengthened Habitat Protections to ensure that ranchlands, timberlands, and natural areas will remain open space while contributing to Humboldt County’s economy and rural character.
Submit comments to:
Martha SpencerHumboldt County Planning Division3015 H StreetEureka, CA 95510 \nFor more information, including an updated schedule on the GPU, visit
Healthy Humboldt Coalition at
Humboldt County’s General Plan Update website at