The City of Eureka, in partnership with the California Coastal Conservancy, Audubon Society, Redwood Community Action Agency, and GreenWay Partners is looking at feasible ideas for improving public access and natural resource enhancement at the Parcel 4 property behind the Bayshore Mall. Parcel 4 is located directly on the Humboldt Bay waterfront and boasts extensive historic, cultural, and environmental character; making this site an exciting prospect for organized future development of public access and environmental restoration. Parcel 4 is currently planned to provide a link in the California Coastal Trail/Eureka Waterfront Trail as a critical non-motorized transportation alternative to US 101/Broadway St. The proximity of Parcel 4 to the bay makes it a perfect spot for both birding and other wildlife viewing and education, and wetland habitat improvement and restoration in conjunction with planned public access. A well planned vision for future recreation and conservation that includes formalizing recreational use behaviors and integrating environmental and cultural enhancement and protection is desired.



The dynamic history of and public interest in the site has culminated in a situation where the zoning and designation within the Local Coastal Plan conflicts with a conservation easement held by the Audubon Society. The coastal dependent industrial use zoning is a product of the land being a former mill site and adjacent to a deepwater dock site. A conservation easement was placed on the site when no suitable development arose after purchase by the City of Eureka and State Coastal Conservancy in 1985. Because the zoning and conservation easement effectively cancel each other out, the property has sat undeveloped and largely unmanaged up to the present. While irregular site cleanups have been organized, the property has largely succumbed to use as a waste disposal site, homeless encampment, location housing a variety of unmanaged and potentially unsafe recreation uses including hiking, art, an after-school hang-out, bicycling and birding.



Where: Parcel 4 located behind the Bayshore Mall; please park in the parking lot north of the Mall buildings and look for the event table



When: Tuesday September 20th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm; show up a little early to register



Who should attend: Anyone from the public interested in participating in a tour and creative visioning session looking forward to improving public access and the environment at a long-neglected site along the Eureka waterfront. While there will be some clean-up and a site inspection prior to the field tour, the area has not been maintained for use by the public and we discourage bringing small children on the tour.



What participants will be doing: When you arrive, you will be guided to a table where you will sign a waiver. Staff leading the tour will give a brief presentation about the goals for looking at the site and a few details about safety. Once the walk begins, we will be looking at historic relics, modern problems and opportunities, and brainstorm together about future goals and visions for Parcel 4. The tour will take us all around the site, providing a thorough feel for existing activities behind the Bayshore Mall and showing off the dramatic views from the shoreline. At the end of the tour, all participants will have a chance to weigh in through written comment on future public access and open space ideas for Parcel 4.



What to bring: Please come prepared with sturdy closed-toed shoes, water, warm clothing that’s easy to hike in, and ideas about what you want to see on the site.