Comments Due March 25 April 15, 2014

On March 6 at 5 p.m. at the Red Lion Hotel, 1929 Fourth St., Eureka, the U.S. Navy will hold a public hearing on the potential environmental impacts of the Navy’s proposal to increase training and weapons testing activities - including sonar and explosives - from Humboldt County to Alaska.

During the training period — lasting from 2015 to 2020 — Navy personnel will conduct exercises and test a variety of weapons and equipment such as sonar technology, electro­magnetic devices and explo­sives off the coasts of Alaska, Oregon, Washington and Northern California.

For more info:


Your Week in Ocean: How Navy Weapons Training Harms Whales, Dolphins

Navy to hold Eureka meeting on training, weapons testing

Humboldt Baykeeper's scoping comments submitted in 2012

Center for Biological Diversity's page on effects of ocean noise

For maps & to submit comments:
 Northwest Training & Testing EIS/OEIS