Please show your support for the first plastic bag ban in Humboldt County!


Tomorrow, Wed. Nov 20, the City of Arcata will vote on its Reuasable Bag Ordinance, which will phase out single-use plastic bags in all retail stores and encourage the use of reusable bags.

Please join us at the City Council Chambers, 736 F Street in Arcata. The council meeting will start at 6 p.m.


If you can't attend in person, please submit an eComment to the City Council by noon tomorrow, Wed. Nov. 20 by clicking HERE.


For more info, see today's article from the Times Standard:
Arcata to discuss revised plastic bag ban


To download the staff report, click HERE.


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Reasons to support Arcata's Reuasable Bag Ordinance:

  • Coastal communities are ideal locations for single-use plastic bag bans as plastic pollution in the ocean is especially hard to address.
  • Single-use plastic bags clog sewer lines, litter roadways, beaches and ultimately the ocean, harming wildlife and entering the marine food chain.  In a coastal community like ours, it is especially important to reduce our plastic consumption and litter.
  • Hundreds of volunteers remove thousands of plastic bags from our beaches every year - let's stop some of this litter at its source!
  • Since plastic does not biodegrade it remains in the ocean for hundreds of years where it breaks down into tiny particles that resemble plankton. Fish and other marine life mistake “plastic plankton” for food.
  • While these bags are designed to be disposable and used for only minutes, they last for thousands of years since they are not biodegradable.
  • Through this ordinance, and education efforts, people will change their habits and start shopping with reusable bags. It has worked in other communities and can work here.